The time comes in waves and with rhythms to evaluate and make significant decisions.
Th pattern to do so is much the same in all of life.
A few thoughts and tools I use as I consider :
how my energy and time is being expended and renewed?
what is the intent of the action or activity?
what and how should I be measuring what is worth the time and energy it takes ?
who are the credible voices I need to hear from?
What-If Leadership Journal ( available though Amazon.ca or any other digital platforms) has a significant work on being a strategic thinker which involves how you evaluate for accomplishing what is of most importance.
Here is a brief look at the Analysis part of strategic thinking:
History - looking back to see what we have to celebrate about who we have become and what we have accomplished according to our desired outcomes.
SCOR - When you look inside yourself as you lead: what Strengths do you see and what have you grown in? What are your inner Challenges that get you off track and discourage you? When you look outside yourself and what you have been doing: What are the Opportunities that have come your way and what new ones are available? What are the roadblocks you see and perceive that will either slow you down or stop you from accomplishing your desired outcomes.
Capacity - capacity is one area we so often struggle to get in perspective, especially for visionaries or big idea people. We all are created with static capacities - those capacities that we cannot grow or change. For example, in a car the gas tank is static in it's capacity. No matter how much gas you want to put it, the tank will only hold what it was built to hold. Static capacity. Adaptive capacity is where there is room for growth and change. For example, a tiny seed has an immense capacity to become so much more. Take time to consider what each of those capacities mean in your life and leadership.
To get the most of an evaluation exercise, take the time to complete the whole Analysis part of the Strategic Thinking Framework. Let me know how it goes.
This is the exercise I am starting as I consider my life and leadership and a part of that is this BLOG. What it is, when it is, who is it for, what is it accomplishing? Just a few of my questions. For June for sure there will just be some announcements coming your way and we will pick up on Diversity, Bias and Unity in time. I will keep you posted.
If this BLOG has brought any encouragement, wisdom ofr discernment your way, please feel free to reach out to me and let me know, I will tuck that into my evaluation. If you have any suggestions or would want to be a part of a Contributing Team , I would love to hear from you as well.
Have a great June!