As Fall arrives, we face it with a guarded sense of anticipation. A sense of the familiar and yet a Fall like we have not known before. Uncertainty for our children, for our teachers. What will school mean for our work lives and careers if quarantine is called for whenever our children pick up a cold or the flu.
Some common themes have come into my life in this COVID wrecked time.
Themes of life, death, fears, joy, delights, what I hope for, what I have, what will be.
Authors have invited me into their minds and hearts and I have found inspiration and deep delight. Julia Cameron, Richard Rohr, Mark Buchanan, Annie Lamott, Strunk and White, Stein, Vinita Hampton Wright. The theme of freedom within from the book of Galatians. It has been a rich and challenging summer that I am most grateful for. Each name brings a sense of anticipation and a 'now what'?
Again I will be offering leadership development cohorts based on the following themes that have resonated with my heart and life, from this past year. What will be different about this years cohorts will be the call to those who are more mature, experienced leaders who want to affirm these themes in their own lives and then the challenge to each one to take the themes and discussions we have had and invest them in at least one younger leader in their life. A year of multiplying in and through the lives of others.
The themes : Identity - who we were created and called to be.
Frameworks - what are the structures that provide and protect us.
Security - what are we grounded in that gives us peace?
Resonance - who and what resonates with our hearts?
These will lay the foundation for lives that seek to grapple with and to embrace forgiveness, freedom, inclusion, grace, compassion and a life rich in abundance.
Cost, schedule and important information is available by contacting me at Ruth@RuthEsau.com or fill in the contact form provided on this website. Registration will be open till September 15, 2020.