I have to admit this is one of my favorite table pieces. The dessert plate stands for all those things you thoroughly enjoy. Those activities that get your head out of the work game, the calendar, the finances, the deadlines and people issues and you discover these activities are so very pleasing and beneficial. When I do this exercise with senior leaders this simple plate is one of their greatest challenges. When posed with the question what do you do and enjoy that is outside of work, they may scrunch their nose, tilt their head or just look puzzled. They may softly say, I can't remember a time when I just did something for the joy of it. This at times is exacerbated because they really do enjoy their work. Well, don't stop enjoying work and do take time to think about what you might enjoy.

Take a moment to create a 'joy bucket list' and then begin plugging some of those things into your calendar. Discover how 'joy givers' not only make you more efficient, they also create greater measures of energy.
Make some time to discuss this with a friend and hold each other accountable for dipping into your 'joy bucket list'.
Check out What-if Leadership Journal on Amazon.ca or contact me at Ruth@RuthEsau.com to purchase a set of Values Inspired Living Cards.