In Alberta the last few weeks have given us vistas of all shades of greens and golds to revel in the beauty of Fall. And although we are moving from the warmth and freedom that summer gifts us with, we transition to another season of beauty and invitations to deep reflection.
What makes Thanksgiving happy is this invitation to pause, to look behind us and review what has been good in the midst of our world being turned upside down on so many levels. Happy is an inner job as we stop, search and find that our hearts even in our loss and aching find spaces of beauty and rest and the goodness of others just when we needed it most. We still have no promise that life will be what we had planned or desired or thought was reasonable and yet within ourselves we can cultivate and nurture those tender shoots of gratitude that bring the possibility of hope and joy to inspire our circumstances and see us through.
May the joy and the peace of a grateful heart bring a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!